Saturday, October 29, 2011

On The Road Again

Can you believe it???
This scary looking woman, who completed the Goofy 2011 Race and a Half
 has gone back to school.
It's a good this too.
While I am not huffin' puffin' as I once did,
it is obvious to me that my fitness has slide a little (alright, maybe a lot).
My new friends at the "Not Free Zone" (we are women's only, learn to run group) are keeping me moving forward 
and pushing me a bit further each week.
Stay posted for updates.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scary Treats

My secret sister left these cool treats (double wrapped to protect them from the rain)
 on my door step today.

I am a lucky girl.

Thank you secret sister.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Exceptional Customer Service

This is me with my Mac Guru Trevor today.  I had a wee panic moment when my nose started to drip and after rummaging through my purse, pockets AND computer bag I realized I didn't have a tissue to my name.  Trevor, the wonder MacGeek that he is, said "no problem - and can get some kleenex from the back for you".  I said "Oh, you are the best", and he brought me this brand new roll of toilet paper for my nose.  He even said I could take it home.  But I declined.

Thank you Trevor.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Here I sit ..

No No No, not that!!!

I am filling in time while I wait for a workshop I am taking (Wet felting) at the Creativfestival this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to the workshop but I took the train into the city this morning, and, as a result arrived 5 1/2 hours early for the class.  No problem.  It's just that if I have too much time on my hands I am inclined to shop.  I resisted the urge to purchase a 2012 daytimer (I still have time), BUT, my new custom made eyeglasses (they weren't any more expensive that Hakim Optical???) will arrive in 3 weeks.  So now that I have exceed my shopping budget for the day, I sit and wait.

As I take this opportunity to observe my fellow man (I will admit it, I LOVE to people watch), I wonder, was I ever like these people, working in the downtown business core, thinking they are oh so important (who really is?), strutting their stuff.  Oh My God I do believe I was.  Maybe worse. Maybe not.  I certainly didn't have the toys then (yes I did get to carry my 2-way radio - LS1 here) but really, I never had the time to sit and chat.  Maybe I did.  I have to say though, I am feeling a bit older today.  There are kids in suits, and turned out, that are old enough to be my children.

I have to admit, since that is what I am doing at the moment, that I do enjoy a midweek trip downtown, to get my blood flowing again.  I just don't think I can do it daily anymore.  It the commute that's draining.  I could happily live downtown I just don't want to work in this frenzy.  I need calm, Moose, my garden, my studio and my kitchen.

I can't seem to wrap this ramble up, so, I will share the results of my wet felting workshop with your all tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Off to Seize the Day

It's been grey, damp and blustery

I've have no desire to get outside
The sun is shining today, it's not raining
and Moose is desperate to go for a romp in the woods.

He's such a lovey, it's the least I can do.

Friday, October 14, 2011

In dire need of a nap

Yes, I know that it is only 10:30 a.m. and I have already had two cups of coffee, but, once again sleep eluded me last night.  My kind doctor has prescribed medication to help with my sleep but yesterday we had a problem renewing the scrip.  The good doc prescribed 1.5 tablets each night with a prescription of 100 tablets.  The script can only be refilled every 100 days which leaves a bit of a short fall and will require ANOTHER trip to the doctor (and a conversation with his most charming and social receptionist, and and hour reading 2 year old magazines that I read the last time - sense my sarcasm) while we discuss basic principals of math.  In the interm, I am exhausted, again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

PERFECT Thanksgiving weekend

A perfect fall weekend.  
The sun only shone.
We ate only the most delicious fresh food.
Wandered the trails with my husband and Moose the wonder dog.
Played in my garden.
Life is Good.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's me

Got home last night from a four day trip with my running girls to Corning N.Y.

Other than the rain, Corning is a lovely little town with the most amazing glass museum and gallery of contemporary art glass.  

I have more to share with you, but for today, this is me, in the reflection of the glass wall.  What you see behind me is a tower of corningware casserole dishes.  How appropriate for the upcoming Thanksgiving Day weekend.