Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A little diversion

Moose Man

Here he is sending telepathic messages of love to his Mom (a.k.a. me)

Here he is sing me a love song.
Well not really; he wants to know WHY I am pointing that 'thing' and him and why we are not heading out for a walk.  
He really doesn't care how much rain is falling.

Monday, November 28, 2011

I have four pounds of butter

I sense some SERIOUS baking in the near future

Bananas are almost ready for banana bread.

I have dried cranberries and pecans for shortbread.

Stand back, 
and no one will get hurt.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Everyone is Waiting for Santa

Hannah and I went to the Toronto Santa Claus Parade today.  
I haven't been in maybe 15 years.
  The weather was perfect.
The promoters for Kung fu Panda handed out panda ears to the crowds.
  Brilliant marketing
picture close to half a million kids and adults all wearing your product with glee.
This little one got to stand in the middle of University Ave. (normally, I wouldn't dare cross except at the light) looking north towards Queen's Park, waiting for the big dude to arrive.

My favourite, part of the entire afternoon ....  the Canada Post guy with the real white whiskers and white hair strolling behind the mail truck (collect letter for Santa) and the kid rushing out to hug him because they thought he was the real deal.

Made me a little misty it did.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dad's Birthday

Today my Dad turns 82 years old.
Here is is with Zack, one of the GrandDudes

Congratulations Dad.  Good Luck with the Driver's test.  

Daughter #1

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Before and After

Change comes quickly.

5:00 p.m. Wednesday

7:30 a.m. Thursday

We had "gusty' winds overnight.  I took the before image last night because the light and the colour was so lovely.  I'm glad I did.  This morning our tree was 'bare naked'.  I have already raked about 4 big bags of leaves from our yard, now I can collect the rest.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Long Lost Fur babies

I found this sheet of photos of Rocky, Bonny and Hershey when they spent a weekenk UrberDog about 5 years ago.  They had such a good time.  It is such a great shot of Hershey's tail.  And Bonny, such a princess there in her bed.

They are now all gone.

Oh how I miss them, but I will never forget them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm a little bit crazy

I'm sewing a crazy quilt for my granddaughter as a Christmas gift.  It's been interesting and frustrating at the same time.

The top is almost complete and I have sewn the back.  

Being 10, I hope she likes the colours.