With the month of March beginning tomorrow, I am anxious to complete the blanket so I can wrap myself into it for warmth and comfort.
Looking forward to the second half century of my life and beyond that too. This will be the semi regular ramblings of a woman who is still approaching her prime. Stand back and prepare yourself for who really knows what will follow.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Enjoying my Yarn Projects
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Further Introductions
He is an outdoorsy kind of guy, and loves to visit new friends who are cooking on the BBQ, or are making bacon for breakfast. It has been very obvious that he has also missed Bonny this past week but he is coming around. I am so glad that he is happy and healthy and that we will have him for some time still to come.
I have decided that since Hershey and I will be sharing quality time with just the two of us we are going to be doing things that we couldn't do with Bonny. We are going to do day hikes on the trails, day trips to the lake, maybe a few play dates (am I expressing my maternal instincts with a dog instead of a child??? - I have grandchildren, but it is the whole thing about being needed - daily). Anyway, I also think that he will make a great subject for some of my art. I had a prof at YorkU who used his Cairn Terrier (whom he loved) in the creation of much of his work. Michael created large sculptures with found materials, and often these materials were items that the two of them found in their wonderings. Great work and great meaning because it was an archive of the time they spent together.
Who knows what Hershey and I will create.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Finding My Groove
So the plans for this family day are as follows:
Dress code : Pajamas or lounge wear only
Menu: Pancakes for breakfast
Dark chocolate and raspberry cupcakes (watch for photos)
PC mini sliders on the BBQ for dinner
Activities: Drinking coffee and reading newspaper
Drawing and reading blogs
Cupcake baking
Full body contact Scrabble (official Scrabble dictionary ready in the event of any disputes)
belly rubs for Hershey
Sounds like a full day to me. I might need to include a nap should the need arise.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Better late then never
I was given a copy of Jamie Oliver's American Road Trip for my B-day and need to look at it again. I have been trying to eat a little more healthy (post holiday gorge - you know how it is) and put it aside for awhile. I am also looking for a few really tasty vegetarian recipes that are not all tofu and turnip (not that I don't like tofu and turnip .. but really now). I will have to mooch the cookbook I gave to my son for Christmas. May I should just head out and get my own copy. Now, THAT is a better plan.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Getting Ready for Spring
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Bon Bon
That's what her nick name because well she was just so sweet. We had to let her go last night. It was a very hard thing to do but I knew it was the right time and I couldn't let her suffer anymore. She was able to drift off at home, surrounded by her family, on her doggie bed in her favourite spot. She and I shared toast and peanut butter in the afternoon. She got all the love she could handle but she gave me a look that told me she knew it was time to go.
Once I am in an easier place, I will share stories of her quirkiness and joy.
This letting go business is much harder than I thought it would be, even though I know it had to be done.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Bringing Visual Warmth into my Home
Thursday, February 10, 2011
On being distorted

OH, I have just had the thought of writing on being blurred and muddled.
Just to clarify my mind I have looked into my trusty dictionary for direction. Just as I thought, being blurred is being out of focus yet being muddled has two meanings. Firstly, yes it does mean being confused (me???) but, it can also mean to mix ingredients (you have heard of muddling ingredients in making cocktails???). Maybe I am not confused or blurred, MAYBE I am just mixing many idea and thoughts together, blending and combining them into something new. Once this new product has had a chance to settle, mature, develop and and bloom into something truly outstanding (and I mean Really OUTSTANDING), then, and only then, will I have something even greater than what I started with.
I like this idea. I think is has real potential as THE explanation of all things in my head at the moment. Yes indeed, this had got to explain everything that needs to be explained right now.
Isn't it grand that I have been able to solve one (just one) of the great mysteries in my life. Now we just have to wait and see where this great new product will take me.
Onward and beyond.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Why am I drinking Herbal Tea?????
Monday, February 7, 2011
An Introduction
I would like to introduce my 'D' Bonny. Bonny is an English Springer Spaniel and she is 15 years old. She became part of our family 6 years ago as a foster dog (she was only to stay for a few days until we, with the assistance of English Springer Rescue, were to find her new forever home). When I went to collect her at the shelter she looked at me and I looked at her and her little face made my heart melt and well that was that she WAS at her forever home. That is how I know just how much my husband loves me ... he as allergies to dog and yet we have two.
I wanted to introduce you to Bonny because at 15 she is a Senior senior dog and she has some health issues. When she is good she is excellent but when she is unwell, her Mom (me) worries. Bonny has recently been having seizures every few days. I don't believe that she is in any pain when they occur but I do know that they cause her a great deal of stress. When they occur I take to her doggies bed and hold, pet and talk to her until the worst has past. There is really nothing that can be done and I don't want her to suffer the diagnostic tests when what she needs is love. As you can see, the time will be coming sooner, rather than later, for me to let go of something else, very important to me, Bonny.
Letting go will be another reoccurring theme of 2011. Where Bonny is concerned, it is especially hard because it is not just for my self that I need to make these decisions but also for someone (yes, she is a someone) who adores me. Not easy to do. In the meantime, I will be share happy Bonny stories. At the moment she is power napping at my feet; something that she does so well.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Finally, I have awesome crepes
Third time is the charm. I have no idea how they taste but they look fantastic.
My crepes were Krap
I have to admit they did smell go though. Didn't look like much unfortunately. Pam has suggested that I check out some You-tube videos and Kris has suggested a batter at room temperature and a well seasoned crepe pan. Thank you both for your help. Hopefully with your help and my copy of The French Chef Cookbook (thank you Julia Child) my next effort will have greater success.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Embracing Lusciousness - Phase 1 Food
These are tomatoes from my garden last summer. It is difficult to find this kind of freshness at this time of year on a day after we had 20 cm of snow dumped on us yesterday. I have decided that if I can't find this type of freshness I will will pursue different culinary delights for my kitchen. I have recently acquired to new additions to my arsenal; a crepe pan, and, a souffle dish. Let us pretend we are in France. If that is not luscious, then I ask you, what is???
This lovely French gentleman was the server in a cafe in Paris when Meika and I were there. It was May, raining and Paris; in other words ... perfect. So this evening for dinner I will make savoury crepes with a crisp green salad and a midi baguette. I will keep you posted on how this progress.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My word for the year
I have decided to embrace this word in all the I say and do. My 30 y/o Webster's dictionary defines 'Lusciousness'
Having a delicious taste or smell, excessively sweet, having a sensual appeal, richly luxurious or appealing to the senses.
I like this word. I am going to embrace it in my art, my food (I can see it being more healthy) my environment and in my body (I am going to embrace the lusciousness of my body). Oh yes indeed, having a word of the year, lusciousness, is going to be a good thing.
Lusciousness Lusciousness Lusciousness
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Greetings and Salutations
So here is my first entry into this outlet. For today I am just saying "hello", and thank you for taking a moment to read what is on y mind.
My youngest son is coming home from a six month adventure of living in Vancouver. While I know that he enjoyed it very much (living under a staircase in a loft with six others), I will admit that I have missed him (he did remember to call on my birthday and on Christmas but other than that .....). Today and tomorrow I get to be Mom again. All my material instincts are coming out full bore. As he has already found a new place to live and will not be living at home I am gathering all those basics supplies, that as Mom, I am sure he will need. I am also baking (banana bread and cookies) and freezing a few dinners to get him started. After being a full time Mom for so long I had no idea how much I missed being needed on a regular basis. OH OH OH hold on..... here is my first letting go....... I am letting go of being needed ALL the time and embracing of being needed SOME of the time. This means there is more time for me, MY ART, my home and of course more quality time with my husband. That will be after I have finished my baking.
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