Hershey now has unlimited access to three large dog beds as well as his usual snoozing spots throughout the house. He has been taking advantage all of these as well as having my undivided attention. Longer and unrestricted walks with opportunities for sniff and greets of new friends are becoming our way of life now. It has been five weeks since we said good bye to our Bonny and it is not becoming easier. When I least expect it I have a Bonny 'flashback'. I remember her woofing. She never really barked it was more of a "Woooof" which required her to lift both front paws off the ground (a whole inch) because it took that much energy to get her woofing out. I also listen for her prancing because a diva such as her would never, strut, saunter, stroll or walk. Bonny was a prancer from the beginning, as if she was on the catwalk (no pun intended) and needed to prance in order to get everyone's attention. Oh yes, I do miss her. I have been doing my best not to view all available springers looking for forever homes in Ontario (there are four). I think I'll go and give H-man a belly rub now.
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