Monday, July 4, 2011

We have a little guest

When we were loading the car this morning at 7:15, I noticed this little bird huddled in the planter by our front door. I almost didn't see him (or her) in the foliage, but based on the amount of purple bird poop (what exactly are the robins eating this time of year) he hadn't spent the night alone. When we came home in the afternoon he had hunkered down in the impatients about 6 feet from the front door. As it became cooler this evening he became bolder and, as you can see, decided to see the world from a different perspective. He really looked frail this morning and I was concerned that something would try to eat him, but I was pleasantly surprised, as the car pulled out of the driveway, Mom showed up with some breakfast. This evening she was close by with a berry in her beak for her baby. I have no idea where the nest was, but Mom has encouraged him to follow her and I watched him take little bird hops down the street. I hope all remains well for this dynamic duo.

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