Wednesday, June 12, 2013

House Hunting Island Style

As I've mentioned previously
my husband and I 
are looking for our new home.

We have need researching for
and have decided
on the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.

Our real estate agent
walked us down to the public access beach 
at one of the listings we viewed,
and these individuals would be our neighbours
should we select that home.

Oh yes, Life is Good.

Final decisions are yet to be made
but stand by, 
it won't be long.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oceans Day 2013

I attended my first (but not last)
Oceans Day on Gabriola Island.

Oceans Day is an international
event where communities
organize events
to provide opportunities
to provide great awareness
of the balance between the land and sea,
and the delicacies of
the various eco-systems
contained in oceans.

As you can see by my grin
I throughly enjoyed
by interaction with
these species of
sea stars.

Very cool.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I've been negligent in my blogging duties

I've been house hunting,
purging stuff from our home, 
and planning.

This morning I visited the Pender Island Famers Market
when I visited to look at homes.


These wonderful items, made from recycled materials
were for sale this morning.

Above is a pin cushion
made with a china saucer and stuffed with local wool.


Below are rose pins, made with left over fabric, netting and beads.

I knew you would like them too.