Saturday, June 8, 2013

I've been negligent in my blogging duties

I've been house hunting,
purging stuff from our home, 
and planning.

This morning I visited the Pender Island Famers Market
when I visited to look at homes.


These wonderful items, made from recycled materials
were for sale this morning.

Above is a pin cushion
made with a china saucer and stuffed with local wool.


Below are rose pins, made with left over fabric, netting and beads.

I knew you would like them too.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say I love the monochromatic shots of the big boat you have on your "I love the Smell of Wet Paint" blog, but sadly, no option to leave a comment appears for me. There's also no way to contact you through your profile or blogs :-(
