Thursday, August 8, 2013

I have a lake named after me

As a kid I always wanted something with my name on it.
I mean, everyone could get a mug, or a little name tag for their door,
even a key chain.

I couldn't even find a key chain with my name on it.

With the internet, I was able to Google "Lottie".

There it was, Lottie Lake.

It was on our way and my husband located it and took us for a little
detour to my lake.

Welcome everyone, to Lottie Lake, Alberta Canada.

Storms over the Prairies

Monday afternoon we crossed from
Manitoba to Saskatchewan.

If you like weather
we had some great stuff.

I hope you like these photos.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Winnipeg and Beyond

We toured the area near Altona and Winkler Manitoba today.

Beautiful, clean and friendly towns.
Being Sunday morning also every quiet.
Everyone was at church.

I wanted to visit Altona because last weekend
they had their annual Sunflower Festival which 
we missed because, well, we were still moving.

But here we were today.

Nearby there was a wind farm
with maybe 50 of these beautiful windmills.

So kinetic and lovely.

Our new wheels

Then we went to the most famous intersection in Canada
(maybe next to Yonge and Bloor).

Tomorrow .....
we are "Running Back to Saskatoon".

We've reached the centre of Canada

August 3rd we travelled from
Thunder Bay, ON to Winnipeg, MB.

We had wanted to stay in Kenora, ON
(home of the Kenora fedora and Kenora dinner jacket)
was booked solid, so we travelled the extra two hours
to Winnipeg.
After three day of trees, rocks and lakes
it was a shock to see the
flat flatness, of the flatness
which is Manitoba.

It is seriously flat here folks.
The clouds were stunning,
and the road was/is straight and flat.

Murray is loving every minute of this drive.
That is just another reason why he is the best.

Friday, August 2, 2013

North Shore of Lake Superior - #relocating

Today we travelled from Sault Ste Marie 
to Thunder Bay.
This involved travelling along the north and eastern shore of 
"The Great Lake known as Gitchigoomie" aka Lake Superior.

As you can see it rain.
It rain hard, then it drizzled
then a light shower.
It rained a little of everything.

It was still beautiful.

The sun did shine from time to time and Moose and his Dad enjoyed the moments provided.

Tomorrow we head to northwest Ontario where the time changes
and we get to model
our Kenora fedoras and dinner jackets (hehehehe)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We've done it - we're moving to B.C. - North Shore

We're packed and ready to go

It's been awhile since I post to this blog.
We've been incredibly busy purging and packing.
and packing and purging - 
and purging- 
and purging.

It has been physically, and emotionally draining.

Many tears have been shed but
we have packed the pod and it is on the road.

Even our Moose and sad to be leaving our home
in search of our new abode.

I'll be posting our travels west
during the days and weeks to come.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

House Hunting Island Style

As I've mentioned previously
my husband and I 
are looking for our new home.

We have need researching for
and have decided
on the Southern Gulf Islands in British Columbia.

Our real estate agent
walked us down to the public access beach 
at one of the listings we viewed,
and these individuals would be our neighbours
should we select that home.

Oh yes, Life is Good.

Final decisions are yet to be made
but stand by, 
it won't be long.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oceans Day 2013

I attended my first (but not last)
Oceans Day on Gabriola Island.

Oceans Day is an international
event where communities
organize events
to provide opportunities
to provide great awareness
of the balance between the land and sea,
and the delicacies of
the various eco-systems
contained in oceans.

As you can see by my grin
I throughly enjoyed
by interaction with
these species of
sea stars.

Very cool.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I've been negligent in my blogging duties

I've been house hunting,
purging stuff from our home, 
and planning.

This morning I visited the Pender Island Famers Market
when I visited to look at homes.


These wonderful items, made from recycled materials
were for sale this morning.

Above is a pin cushion
made with a china saucer and stuffed with local wool.


Below are rose pins, made with left over fabric, netting and beads.

I knew you would like them too.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We're looking for a home

We have sold our home on Ontario.
We have been planning on relocating 
to British Columbia 
for YEARS.

Now, the time has come.

We know where we are heading.
Gabriola Island,
(as you can see, it is stunningly beautiful)
now I need to find is a place to live.

I don't think I'll be able to
do this entirely online.

A road trip is in order.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

90 Days and Counting

We sold our home this week.
It went much quicker than I had anticipated
which means all my emotional planning
has had to be pushed forward to meet our deadlines.

Change -  that's what it is.
I'm a woman in constant change;
physical, emotional, life.
I've had some moments over the last few days when I thought 
"I can't do this".
This morning, whilst lying in bed
(the first night I've slept through the night all week)
I remembered,
 since I've turned forty, 
I've become a long distance endurance athlete, 
a university graduate (twice),
I've change my life direction.
I admitted I am an artist and not a corporate manager.
I've done the things I thought I couldn't do but did them anyway.
This is just something else on my life list.
So over the next 90 days I have a great deal to do.

Oh, and B.C., look out,  I'm on my way.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Transition #creativity

We are a home in transition.  The children are grown and left home, and it is time for my husband, our dog Moose and I to commence our next "chapter".  That's what I'm calling it.  We are downsizing, and changing communities.  Oh My Goodness!  What a Mess.  Well, it is improving.  We are cleaning, decluttering, donating, repairing, painting, selling stuff, and planning, planning, planning.  It's called
change.  I want it, but there not enough chocolate to keep me calm.  Stay posted here to regular updates.

Today, I having already removed everything from my kitchen cupboards, cleaned them, and now have several boxes, for yard sale, giving to friends and family, taking with me and off to Goodwill.  Then I will be tackling the linen cupboard.

At the moment I have stuff on Kijiji (this lovely vintage tea set for example hint hint hint) and will add more as time progresses.  I also have an authentic "made in India" sabre (yes ... a sabre) that needs a new home.

I need more coffee.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm thinking of becoming a Food Blogger

Why Not?

I like to bake and cook.
I like to photograph what I make.
I like to write and share my successes
(let's not mention the failures).

The only problem with the plan 
is I also like to eat what I make.
I can't really write about the merits
of a recipe unless I sample them
now can I???

Of course I can also write and photograph
the growing of the food,
except we don't grow baking.
Alas, another problem with
the plan.

Until then I just need
to practice my craft and see 
where it lead me.

Today, meyer lemon canberry loaf.

It need more meyer lemon.
Now I know for next time.